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  • @gallerysims4

Chapter Two: The Welcome Wagon

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

I stand in my living room, proud of the house that I bought with my money. Mind you, we could touch up the paint here, add an extension there! For now the house is absolutely perfect for starters. I pick up the guitar and start practising again... by tomorrow, I'll probably be on skill Level 2! There is a knock at the door followed by...

"Is this the house of Tiara Foreman?" I put down the guitar...

"Yes!" I say, "I'm coming." I walk to the door and open it to see a sweet face smiling back at me.

"Welcome to the neighbourhood! I am Vanessa Jeong... you should know me, I've done a few gigs. I am just your average Notable Newcomer," The girl smiles.

"Um, well... come on in!" I say hesitantly. I walk her towards the middle of the room and we start talking.

"Usually I'd bring fruit cake... but I didn't have time," Vanessa confesses.

"You... You're not serious," I say nervously.

"Well, usually people don't like it that much... so I didn't have that much time so I wasn't bothered!" She laughs.

"I LOVE fruit cake and I'm super hungry... ugh!" I snarl. As angry as I am, I walk towards the fridge and look for a snack. I only have peas... but it'll do. I turn and stomp past Vanessa to sit on the couch. Vanessa smiles and sits next to me.

"You're so self-absorbed," I say.

"Says you, princess!" She teases.

"You're career will take you no where."

"C'mon Tiara... you haven't even passed an audition!"

"You're bad at everything! You probably have a bad taste in music... maybe even politics!"

"Really Tiara? We only just met."

"I don't care... now go away, Vanessa Jeong."

"No! It's your welcome wagon."

"The welcome wagon is over... just leave!" I glare at her. I feel slightly bad that my first impression on her is bad. Although, I really didn't like her. I put the now empty bowl away and walk behind the couch.

Vanessa faces me and says, "Fine... I'll leave. Bye Tiara Foreman."

She turns and struts out the door. I aspire to make a best friend when I am here... looks like I nearly made an enemy. I am sure that we will argue the next time we see each other... maybe we might actually fight. I know that my future best friend will arrive someday, but Vanessa is surely not.

Author Notes: This is the second chapter! Tiara experiences her first ever welcome wagon and almost makes an enemy... Vanessa Jeong! Comment what you think should happen next chapter.

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